Thursday, April 9, 2009

What happened to 'April showers'?


Lechelle said...

That pouty face looks so much like you Jess. I love it. Sucks about the snow. We don't get as much here but it snowed in Kansas City last weekend.
*sigh* let's both move back to Cali together.

Sheramie and Jessica said...

We really should. Sunshine, ocean, happiness. We should just find a few million dollars and buy a condo to vacation at 9 months out of the year...I'll look into it.

Shante said...

Where are my pictures (and video) from the blessing! I want to see how cute my niece looked on her special day. Love you guys!

Sarah said...

She looks about as digusted as I did when that snow hit, although Madison pulls it off in a much cuter way.

Whitney said...

That's what I would feel too. Hopefully more sunshine will come your way!