Friday, October 10, 2008

feels like. . . 19

Yes it is true. Rexburg experienced the first fall of snow (since June) yesterday. Granted it only lasted about 20 minutes, and none of it stayed--it still snowed!
One thing I have learned after living up here for many winters is that sometimes it is "too cold to snow". This morning is one of those days. It is 21 degrees (feels like 19)--Have you ever wondered who determines what it 'feels like'? I personally think it feels more like 17 degrees.
Anyways it is cold--Summer has left us behind and Fall has blown by. Winter is knocking on the door.
We are headed to a wedding this weekend of Sheramie's brother Shad up in Washington. Other than that things are pretty easy going around here. He is busy keeping up with school, and I am enjoying work. I start training a new employee in about 2 weeks--and then I'll train a temp for myself in about 5. It's been a bit tough doing this alone for the past month--but I am slowly catching up on the work load.
Our sweet baby girl is growing, doctors say everything looks good!
Hope all is well with everyone.


Elaine said...

DO you want to know why it snowed?...... Because I prayed for it. Wa..haa. haaa haaa

steveandjonelle said...

That sounds crazy cold! We are still enjoying the 70s here is Michigan. I am glad your pregnancy is going so well. Are you going to post any belly shots?

Whitney said...

Seriously, Jess - I have to say I don't miss it :) And I agree, I want to know who determines what it "feels like" too... I'm glad to here everything is going well for you! Less than two months left!! YAY!!!

Margaret said...

im with jonelle. Lets see some baby bumpage here

Jandi said...

Oh Rexburg! I have to admit, I miss that place, even the snow! I never thought I'd say that I missed the snow, but I do. That's so exciting that you only have two months left until your baby girl arrives! I hope you're feeling great!

Tawnya said...

that totally stinks, it is already cold. Thanks so much for coming to our wedding. I loved having everyone there. I hope you guys enjoyed it too. I cant wait to meet the baby. Any names yet?

Shad and Brittany said...

I agree, about "feels like". I mean who has that job of telling us what it feels like, and how do I apply for it??


Harrison - Party of Four! said...

Yipee, I found your blog. Somehow. We must have some of the same friends who link and all blog :) Congrats on your baby girl- hope you guys are doing awesome. -S. Wilson

Aitherrios said...
