Monday, March 23, 2009

Watching Madison

This is my 3rd week back to work. I am doing better than I thought I would. I have a beautiful picture of her sitting on my desk, and I love my weekends, but overall (despite a few tears on Monday's) I have been adjusting fairly well.
The first week was such a blessing to have Mom Tinsley here to take care of Madison. We are so grateful for her coming down to help. We'd also like to give a thanks to Sireena for watching Madison for us this past week.
We'd also like to thank her little boy Rocky for being so good sharing his mommy for the week!

He was good with Madison.

Here are some more pictures that were posted on Sireena's blog:

Madison is growing stong and is a happy little girl! We are grateful for Becci who is watching her these next 2 weeks and hope they have fun! Mom Wooten will be here the week of Finals, so that will be a big help to Sheramie. (he plays Mr. Mom in the afternoons)
I am the Graduation Clerk (Official Title: Degree Audit Specialist) for BYU-Idaho. I am so excited--it will be a busy adventure, but a good one. We are sure feeling the "hiring freeze" in our office, as we are losing 3 people this year and are unable to rehire. So we all get to step up to the plate and take on a little more. I am grateful to have such a great job with really great people!
Thanks for all the support and love I've received since going back to work. Sheramie and I both really appreciate it.
I'll post some cute pictures Madison has with her cousin Savanah soon. Hope all is well!


Shante said...

I think you should inform Madison that no more growing is allowed until I am firmly planted back on US soil.

Becci and Josh said...

It's been fun to watch madison! I love it, and she's an easy baby to love, she's so sweet and cute! I really appreciate you trusting me to watch her, it really means a lot to me, and BraeLynn absolutely loves her! I have to keep Brae away from her because she just wants to maul her all the time!!!